Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Dear Brother, Love is Spelled T-I-M-E

Dear Brother,

Last weekend I attended a lecture that was supposedly about education, but was really more of a motivational speech about living life to the fullest. Near the end of the presentation, we were treated to an absolutely awful cheeseball of a video where an old man laments the passing of time by waxing nostalgic over his and his son's old journals. The title of this video was something about children spelling "love" t-i-m-e. I thought of something, Brother. Women, too, spell "love" that way!

Brother, I seem to recall that you are somewhat set in your routine. I know you like to have structure in your day and week. Well, unfortunately, love does not always fit into a routine. If you're going to show a girl that you are interested in her, you're going to need to do a little flyin' by the seat of your pants. You may have your little heart set on three hours of running and lifting at the gym Tuesday night, but Chickadee might have a rough day at work and need some sunshine blown up her caboose. You may be planning on getting to bed by eight so you can get up early to make your daily omelette from your pre-chopped frozen meats, cheese, and veggies, but Chickadee might call you right before bed time just to hear your voice. Brother, in these kinds of situations, you need to roll with the punches and show Chickadee that you care about her, that your routine isn't more important to you than she is.

For a gal to feel like she has your attention, like she's important to you, like you actually care to be a part of her life, you have to give up some of that precious time. Don't get me wrong; I'm not saying that you should spend every waking moment with Chickadee, and be at her beck and call. That's crazy talk! That's just as unhealthy and unsustainable as NOT spending any time with her! But I am saying that you need to make her a priority. Being upset with Chickadee because she wants to *gasp* spend more than one day out of her week with you is completely ludicrous on your part. Not that you would ever do that...

So Brother, suck it up and sacrifice a little time to make that gal feel special. If she feels like she's a priority in your life, she's going to make you a priority in hers. And then, who knows?


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